Crane name:
Find or CreateMetacrane allows you to lift files, links and text from a computer or smartphone to another, without registration and with minimum hassle whatsoever.
Any file, link and text uploaded to Metacrane is removed after 56 hours.
Hint: Bookmark the page for maximum no-hassleness! Also see mc:guestbook.
Hint: You are encouraged to fool around on mc:foo - it is used for testing while developing too.
BackWhy did this become to exist?
- The author got annoyed to hell because it did not already exist.
What is the philosphy behind this?
- Today's computer world works on two principles (like it or not): All devices have equal capability and connectivity, and everything in networking builds on a centralized server-client model. That model inherently lacks the option to move anything between devices unless somebody makes a server that facilitates it. Metacrane implements this server without any of the bullshit the big american corporations are putting you up with.
What is the exact feature list?
What is the maximum file size?
- 200MB.
Where is the server located?
- Sweden.
How does Metacrane pay its hosting bills?
- Currently out of the author's pocket, but in the future there are some options:
- If you have an opinion on this, leave a note on mc:guestbook
Can I donate money for continued hosting and development, or just for thanks?
- Donating is now possible here.
Changelog: 1.0.9: * Upload any file using built-in file browser 1.0.8: * Use improved protocol 1.0.7: * Switch to codebutler/android-websockets * Use TLS for websocket connection 1.0.6: * Use new protocol * Remove the bloated apache libs * Show upload progress 1.0.5: * Fix upload from gallery and camera * Clear crane name input when joining crane 1.0.4: * New launcher image * Prefix crane references with mc: instead of # 1.0.3: * Small bugfixes * Opening of cranes and links in text items 1.0.2: * First relatively bug-free version with viewing and downloading
Search "metacrane" on the Jolla Store and install for free.
Also available on